Program Improvement Policy

Curriculum Review and Evaluation

Each curriculum is assigned a full-time faculty member who has some expertise in the field and who has assigned responsibilities for curriculum coordination. The curriculum coordinator is listed first on the advisor list for each program of study in the College Catalog. In order to assure students that the curriculums offered by Northeast are current, appropriate and complete, evaluation of the degree programs of study must be completed regularly. Each fall faculty assigned as curriculum coordinators, along with faculty advisors, will review the particular curriculum for depth and breadth. Upon completion of the curriculum evaluation form, the responsible faculty curriculum coordinators and faculty advisors present the form to respective division heads. The division heads will refer the form to the proper standing advisory committee (academic, technical/vocational) for review and advice. The recommendations of the faculty and the advisory committees will be the basis of curriculum recommendations presented at an annual Curriculum Review hosted by Instruction Council. Instruction Council submits changes to the Board of Trustees for final approval.

A Curriculum Review Committee that is composed of Northeast and non-college personnel will evaluate curricula yearly. Each division will have its curricula reviewed on a rotating basis. During the evaluation, each curriculum will be reviewed in the following areas:

  • Past successes of major/grades.
  • The relevance of courses within the curriculum.
  • Documented need for the curriculum.
  • Compatibility of curriculum and institutional purpose.
  • Credentials of faculty to adequately teach the curriculum.
  • Financial support for the curriculum.

All curriculum recommendations from the Curriculum Review Committee will be forwarded to Instruction Council. Actions by the Instructional Council will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees for final action.