Enhancing Knowledge Through Performance
Division of Fine Arts
Northeast Music, Theatre and Art students were busy with many creative activities during the 2019-20 school year.
The Art Department Gallery had 619 visitors during the shortened school year to view artwork by Brian DeVaughn, Dason Petit, Oneta Cole and Master Grafix. The gallery also hosted the annual High School Art Competition in February, followed by the MC/JCIA State Art Competition. The closure of campus forced the cancellation of the annual Northeast Student Art Competition in April.
Northeast Theater director, Christopher Schager led productions of five one-act plays during the 2019 fall semester: Lorax by Katherine Perrone, Gold Standard by Lisa Bruna, Art Strike and Carla by Chip Bolcik, and Asking For It by Rhea MacCallum. In the spring, the Theatre and Vocal Departments collaborated to bring Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance to the stage for five performances.
The Northeast Chorus again collaborated with the Itawamba Community College Choir in a joint Holiday Concert in December of 2019. The chorus attended and performed at the Community College State Choral Festival in Meridian in February and sang at the Corinth Contraband Camp’s augmented reality inauguration, titled First Steps to Freedom. The remainder of the season was canceled.
The Northeast “Tiger Band” performed at all home football games and several Christmas parades in the district in the Fall of 2019. They also hosted the annual Northeast Regional Marching Contest which featured 18 high school band performances in two categories. Additionally, the band performed for three Northeast Now recruiting events on campus. In the spring, Northeast hosted the 62nd Annual Northeast Mississippi Band Clinic, featuring approximately 200 junior high and high school student all-star musicians.
The Northeast Symphonic Band presented an exhibition as part of the final concert. During basketball season, the band was divided into pep bands that alternated performing at home games. The smaller “Pom Squad” was selected from the Tiger Dancers to also perform at basketball games. The planned Spring concert, Jazz Band Concert and Winter Guard competitions were canceled.
Northeast Campus Country, directed by Chris Dunn presented three of its four Showtime performances on campus and numerous other performances both on and off campus during the school year.