Your Future Start Here

Adult Education

Adult Education’s mission is to bring out the best in all students by helping them master the most important skills for success. Whatever is needed to earn the High School Equivalency diploma, to be trained in locating that perfect job, or just to learn the skills to succeed at work, Adult Education can help – at NO COST TO YOU!

Whatever your goals may be, Adult Education is here to help you move forward!

Services provided by Adult Education:

  • High School Equivalency (GED/HiSET) preparation and testing.
  • Smart Start Training, both in-person and hybrid, to develop job skills to be successful in college or employment.
  • ACT WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC).
  • Day and night classes, both in-person and hybrid, to fit any schedule.
  • Classes in Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo, and Union Counties.
  • Career coaching and planning for a brighter future.
  • Short-term workforce training for better job opportunities.
  • Industry-recognized national certifications to aid in job readiness.
  • Scholarships and incentives for financial assistance. 

High School Equivalency Diplomas Issued
Smart Start Credentials Issued
Students Transitioned into a Secondary Education Pathway

Smart Start

Your journey to a better life begins with Smart Start, the smart curriculum for success. Learn the skills needed to succeed professionally while earning valuable certifications.

  • Mississippi Smart Start Credential - Earn a state credential recognized by workplaces in Mississippi.
  • ACT WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) - Earn an industry-recognized national certification which shows work and/or college readiness.
  • Success Skills - Learn essential professional skills such as teamwork, time management, communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking–the skills employers are really looking for.
  • Job search skills - Build a resume, prepare for job interviews, and put yourself in the best possible position to get hired and/or promoted.
  • Financial literacy - Learn to make the best use of your hard-earned money.

High School Equivalency Diploma (GED/HiSET) Classes

NEMCC Adult Education can help prepare for the GED or HiSET exam to earn a High School Equivalency diploma – which is the legal equivalent of a high-school diploma in the state of Mississippi. However, Adult Education offers much more than that!

  • Reading skills to help you understand the mountain of information faced daily.
  • Math skills to help you understand problem-solving.
  • Learning skills to help you continually improve in modern life’s most important ability-learning new information.
  • Advising to help you move to the next level–whether the next level is college, training, military, or work. Wherever you are going, we help you get there.

At NEMCC, adult educational advancement opportunities are now greater than ever with multiple High School Equivalency testing options which supply a much-needed High School Equivalency diploma as well as College and Career Readiness (CCR). CCR standards align with the entry-level expectations of colleges, workforce training programs, and employers to ensure that you are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college, career, and life.

  • Earn a High School Equivalency by attending classes and passing a High School Equivalency test.
  • Earn a Competency Based High School Equivalency by completing the Smart Start Class, 15 hours of college credits, and obtaining a Sliver or higher on the ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC).

Click the links below for additional information:

Obtaining a Copy of an HSE Transcript or Diploma

Individuals who have earned an HSE (GED or HiSET) in the state of Mississippi can easily order the transcript or diploma through DiplomaSender (fees apply): Order a Copy of an HSE Transcript or Diploma

Gateway Youth Program

Is life at a standstill and you're looking for a new direction?  Let us help you open the gate TODAY that will lead the way to endless possibilities - with GATEWAY!  Our Gateway Program is designed to help participants who are 16-24 years of age gain the following advantages by enrolling: 

  • Paid internships to help build valuable work experience.
  • One-on-one counseling for guidance to a better future.
  • Essential job skills to acquire training and certification.
  • Basic literacy skills to empower and liberate.
  • ACT WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC) to show employers you are career-ready.
  • Industry and national certifications to demonstrate training capabilities.
  • High School Equivalency Diploma to increase opportunities in education and /or employment.
  • Career pathways, advanced training, college, or military-all leading to a career.
In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX, Educational Amendments of 1972 of the Higher Education Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Board of Trustees of Northeast Mississippi Community College hereby assures that no one shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, disability, or sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the college.
The Mississippi Partnership is an equal opportunity employer/program; auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Those needing TDD assistance may call 202.693.6515.
The Mississippi Partnership Workforce Board and Three Rivers Planning & Development District, Inc. is a funding source of the WIOA Youth Gateway Program.

Adult Education Integrated Education & Training Programs (IET)

Adult Education is not just a place to earn a diploma or certifications. Learning to be successful – whatever success means to you – is top priority. During enrollment, we discuss your goals and career plans. We help identify strengths, interests, and opportunities so that you may contribute and picture yourself five years later doing the kind of work you would like to do. We help you figure out where you are going – and create a plan to get there.

NEMCC Adult Education’s students are invited to dually enroll in MIBEST–the Mississippi Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training Program. Choose from a wide selection of short-term training and college-degree pathways – while earning the HSE diploma – and get incredible support along the way:

  • Assistance with tuition and college fees.
  • Team teaching and one-on-one tutoring for success in college-level courses.
  • High School Equivalency (HSE) diploma.
  • ACT WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC).
  • Smart Start work-readiness skills.
  • College or industry-based credentials.
  • Possible Career Technical Education (CTE) credits.
  • Workforce certifications.

Career Pathways: Northeast Mississippi Community College Adult Education offers both credit and non-credit credential training for students earning their high-school equivalency diploma:


  • Certified Medical Administrative Assistant
  • Welding
  • Industrial Maintenance
  • Certified Nurse Aide
  • Emergency Medical Technician


  • Computer Technology
  • Construction Engineering Technology
  • Automotive Mechanics and Service
  • Information Systems Technology: Cyber Defense
  • Information Systems Technology: System Administration

 See an Adult Education College & Career Navigator for enrollment procedures