Technology Support

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Apple CORES are a team of students and technology staff that serves as a resource for students, employees, and community members to assist in using Apple devices and apps in the context of teaching and learning.  We understand that everyone has their own way of learning, and we want to offer support in a way that encourages creativity and empowers employees and students to learn and create in a personalized way. 


Our Mission

The goal of Apple CORES is to build and support a culture of creative, friendly, and constructive learning experiences.  We celebrate the successes of technology both small and large and support the "yes, and..." perspective.  Apple CORES strive to create a safe space where others can engage in collaborations, take risks, and have meaningful and relevant learning experiences with technology. 



The Apple CORES hub is located within the Frank Haney Student Union at the Technology Help Desk. Anyone that needs assistance can come and go for help during regular operating hours.  After regular operating hours, assistance is still available through the Eula Dees Library.

Student Help Desk Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 8am - 4pm

Friday: 8am - 12pm


Lightning Learning

Each month the Apple CORES hosts quick lessons that offer an opportunity to learn how to have more meaningful learning experiences with iPad. Through these interactive lessons, participants will learn about topics such as multitasking, file storage, note-taking, accessibility features, and creative tools.  Workshops are held at the Smart Campus Technology Help Desk during the activity period once a month.  See the schedule below for specific dates and times of the technology workshops. 

 Smart campus offerings include sessions that begin at 12:10 and end at 12:30.  Session occur at the Technology Help Desk and topics include iPad Essentionals on September 5th, Digital Notetaking on October 3rd, Organization and Planning on November 7th, Presentations on iPad on January 9th, Creativity on iPad February 6th, Augmented Reality on March 5th, and Accessibility on April 9th.



Meet the Team

Jocelyn Ball
Ben Barrett