Satisfactory Academic Progress

The Financial Aid Office has established guidelines (based on federal regulations) for evaluating your progress, taking into consideration both your cumulative GPA and the number of hours that you have attempted since you have been in school. The Financial Aid standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress are not exactly the same as the academic standards of the college.

Acceptance for admission does not necessarily indicate that Satisfactory Academic Progress guidelines have been met for Financial Aid. Satisfactory Academic Progress is not measured until a student has attempted 12 hours. Students may continue to receive financial aid while meeting the minimum standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Requirements

To be eligible to receive Federal student aid such as Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Leveraging Education Assistance Partnership Educational Program, Federal Stafford Loan, Federal Work-Study Program, and Academic Competitiveness Grant, a student must progress satisfactorily toward completion of his/her educational objective. Failure to achieve satisfactory progress will result in the termination of all Federal financial aid.

Satisfactory progress will be measured according to the following tables:

Academic and Technical Students

How Satisfactory progress will be measured
Hours Attempted Percentage Hours Cumulative GPA
0 - 32 50% 1.50
33 or more 67% 2.00


Maximum Hours Allowed

Students pursuing a degree in an eligible program may be eligible to receive aid for a maximum of 150% of attempted hours of the program's published required hours.

Cumulative Record

A student’s entire academic record will be evaluated to determine eligibility for financial aid, regardless of whether financial aid was received for all semesters. Transfer credits earned from other colleges that are placed on the NEMCC transcript will be included.

Notification of Ineligibility

Attempts to notify all students by mail or e-mail will be made; however, MyNEMCC, will serve as official notification of financial aid.

Remedial Classes

Developmental studies classes will be treated the same as all the regular classes.

Incomplete Courses

Grades of incomplete are counted as an F until the course is completed and the registrar records the grade.

Repeat Courses

Repeated courses will count as hours attempted but not hours completed. For enrollment purposes, you may only count a repeated course one time unless it is for a failed course, which you may repeat until passed.

Financial Aid Eligibility

Federal Financial Aid recipients will be given a total of 150% of the published program in credit hours (including withdrawal hours) to complete to complete such program. At the end of this period, the student will not be eligible to participate in the Federal financial aid program regardless of grade point average, hours accumulated, or change of program unless approved by the appeals committee.

A student will be required to enroll in courses pertaining to his/her program of study to be eligible for financial aid.

Developmental courses, for which institutional credit is granted and grades are recorded, will be treated in the same manner as regular courses.

Awards will be reduced proportionately for part-time students. A student must enroll in at least six academic hours to receive some type of Federal Aid. All part-time semesters, including summer terms, will be considered when determining satisfactory progress.

Repeated courses will count as hours attempted but not hours completed. For enrollment purposes, you may only count a repeated course one time unless it is for a failed course which you may repeat until passed.

Financial Aid Attendance

A student receiving financial aid is expected to remain in all classes throughout each semester. Any semester in which a student withdraws will be counted as a semester of attendance and will count toward the number of semesters allowed to participate in financial aid programs.

Federal regulations specify that the return of Title IV funds must be calculated for recipients of Title IV aid who withdraw or cease attendance from all classes during a semester. The institution must calculate the amount of Title IV aid the student earned (based on the last day of class attendance). Therefore, any unearned portion of Title IV awards must be returned to the proper fund. The Return of Title IV Funds Federal Policy can be viewed in the Financial Aid Office.

Financial Aid Warning/Probation

If you are denied aid based on your academic progress, that denial takes precedence over any previous award notification you may have received. If you do not meet the minimum standards at the end of a semester, you will be placed on financial aid warning for the next semester. You may continue to receive financial aid for that warning semester. If you are placed on an initial financial aid warning, you will have one academic semester to meet the minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. If you are not meeting minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress standards by the end of your initial warning semester, you will not be eligible for aid (including grants, student loans, and/or Federal Work-Study) in subsequent semesters, and will be placed on suspension.

Appeals for Financial Aid Suspension

A student who wishes to appeal the suspension status should submit an appeal ( to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee The request should indicate why the student did not achieve the minimum academic requirements and why financial aid should not be suspended. The Financial Aid Appeals Committee will review the appeal to determine whether financial aid suspension is justified. The decision of the committee is final. (Note: Financial aid suspension must be appealed separately from academic suspension.)

Non-Discrimination Policy

In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX, Educational Amendments of 1972 of the Higher Education Act; and, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Board of Trustees of Northeast Mississippi Community College has adopted this policy assuring that no one shall, on the grounds of race, color, age, national origin, or sex, be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the College. Northeast Mississippi Community College adheres to the principle of equal educational and employment opportunity without regard to race, sex, age, color, creed, or national origin. This policy includes the qualified handicapped and extends to all programs and activities supported by the College. The Section 504 Coordinator is Leigh Ann Stewart, Wright Hall 662.720.7192 and the Title IX Coordinator is Liz Roark, 662.720.7223.