College Committees

Committees play an essential role in policy and decision-making at Northeast. Participation in committees provides faculty and staff the opportunity to help shape the future of the college and its programs. The college has designated committees in three categories.

  • Standing – A committee that has defined goals and meets regularly.
  • Ad Hoc – A committee that has a definite time and task.
  • Special – A committee with a defined task and meets only when necessary.

Committee Membership

All faculty, administrators, and most staff serve on a maximum of three standing committees. As the primary function of the college is to provide quality instruction, the majority of the standing committee membership is generally assigned to faculty.

At the beginning of the fall semester, faculty and staff can select the committees they wish to serve on in the coming year. The President or Division Vice-President may choose additional members to fill a particular need (i.e., not enough volunteers or expertise required). Membership in some committees is determined by an individual’s position (i.e., President’s Cabinet or Administrative Council). A list of committees and their membership is maintained in the Office of the Planning and Research.

Committee Processes

Each committee has an assigned chair and a recording secretary chosen by the membership. All committee decisions are based on a simple majority vote. Committees are free to explore, question, and make suggestions or recommendations. All committee recommendations must be forwarded to the Administrative Council and then to the President’s Cabinet. Committees must function within the policies as stated in the Northeast Procedures Manual.

Role Of Faculty In Committee Work

Each faculty member at Northeast is assigned, annually, to serve on a maximum of three standing committees. Each committee has an appointed chair, while the membership chooses recording secretaries. In addition, faculty are assigned to ad hoc committees and task forces with short-range goals. All committee decisions are based on a simple majority vote. 

To a degree, the college's direction and operation are determined by committee suggestions. As the primary function of the college is to provide quality instruction, the majority of the standing committee membership, in most cases, is assigned to faculty. 

Current Committee Listing

Committee Listing
Committee Purpose
Academic Calendar * To assist with the planning and production of the academic calendar.
Administrative Council * To assist the institution in administrative decisions, keep the institution abreast of operational planning activities, and help the institution achieve its purpose and goals. The Administrative Council will help ensure that the activities of the college are in keeping with the stated criteria for accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
Admissions The purpose of the Admission Committee is to provide guidance to the college regarding admissions policies and procedures. The committee will meet with Allied Health program directors and review program applicant rating forms used for admission to specific health-related programs. The committee will also review and make decisions regarding all appeal letters on transfer student transcripts for students who are in suspension status yet seeking admission to Northeast.
Advising To plan, implement, and assess the college’s academic advising program.
Athletic To advise the college on matters related to the athletic program. The committee helps facilitate coordination between the college’s athletic and education programs.
Bid Acceptance Committee *  
Budget * To hear budget requests and to develop the annual college budget for the President and Board of Trustees’ approval.
Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement
 Assists with college voter registration, participation, and civic activities.
College Experience Evaluate the student experience as students move through the college.
Commencement To assist with logistical planning and production of the graduation exercise.
Cultural Arts To promote cultural arts for citizens of the community college service area. (Chair elected for two-year term by members; Vice-Chair succeeds Chair)
Data Standards * To evaluate the methods of collection and processing of information to improve the accuracy and security of college data.
Development and Remedial Education To advise the Vice President of Instruction and Vice President of Student Services and to plan remedial education for students needing special assistance in academia.
Diversity * To serve as an advisor to the President of the College on issues of diversity and inclusion.
Employee Development To develop programs that will enhance the professional development of the faculty and staff.
Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress * To hear appeals from students who have not met satisfactory progress standards for federal student aid.
Graduation Rate and Retention To review graduation rates to develop and implement a plan for student retention.
Grievance - Staff * To review staff grievance complaints and to advise the college on appropriate actions. (1 Administrative Staff, 2 Faculty, 1 Office Personnel, and 1 Building/Grounds staff)
Health/Wellness * To plan, implement, assess, and promote the health and wellness of the faculty, staff, and students.
Homecoming Committee To help plan and implement all homecoming activities.
Instructional Council * To assist and advise the Vice President of Instruction concerning all phases of the academic, technical, and vocational programs, including course offerings, programs of study, instructional procedures, relationships with other institutions of higher learning, and academic standards. The committee will review proposals for course or program of study changes, recommendations for improvements in instruction, and help coordinate the curriculum and instruction program.
Institutional Purpose Review Committee To review the institution's purpose statement and goals and recommend changes and updates as needed.  The committee is to convene bi-annually for review.
Instructional Technology & Design* To enhance, improve, engage, and stimulate the learning environment through technology for all students to advance their educational experience and skills in order to prepare them to live and work in a global community.
Insurance To study the group insurance needs of all employees and to make recommendations concerning group employee policies.
Library To advise the Library Director. To devise plans for more extensive library utilization and to increase the effectiveness of the facility.
Marketing Committee To assist the VP of Marketing and Community Relations in the increase of the overall visibility and strengthening of the brand of the institution.
Most Beautiful Pageant To plan and coordinate the annual Northeast Most Beautiful Pageant.
Orientation * To plan and carry out all activities relating to the summer freshman orientation program.
President's Cabinet * To advise the President on administrative issues.
Public Relations To encourage faculty/staff to participate in the public relations activities of the college and to help in developing a public relations plan for the college.
Safety To establish safety practices for the College, review employee accident claims, and to coordinate and direct procedures for responding to crisis situations.
Science Fair *  To review details for the annual Region IV Science Fair, schedule training sessions, develop plans to obtain judges and violation checkers, traffic control and safety, project setup, and awards selection.
Section 504 To review details for the annual Region IV Science Fair, schedule training sessions, develop plans to obtain judges and violation checkers, traffic control and safety, project setup, and awards selection.
Strategic Planning Council * To review the college’s strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities that exist in the external and internal environment, to establish and review long-range strategic planning goals, short-term objectives (goals), Institutional Effectiveness Indicators, and re-examine the Vision statement for the college through retreats held every two years.
Student Appeals Committee * To review student appeals from the office of the VP of Instruction and the VP of Student Services.
Student Engagement Evaluate methods of student engagement outside of the classroom.
Technology (Computer User) To advise the college on technology issues and review the computer equipment needs of the college. The committee will assist in the development of the college’s long-range technology plan.
TIE Committee * To determine that established objectives (expected outcomes) are consistent with the institutional purpose, that the research conducted is adequate to ensure the effectiveness of the institution, and that each liaison works with his/her division chair to review respective institutional effectiveness plans.
Title IX To review complaints with regard to racial and sexual discrimination.
Traffic Appeals To review traffic violation appeals and recommend appropriate action.
Website * To evaluate an ongoing basic preference of web page level of communication, and to establish policy guidelines for maintaining web pages.

* denotes that members are appointed to the committee