Substance Abuse Policy

Alcohol & Drug Abuse Policy

Students are prohibited from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, use or being under the influence of a controlled substance, as defined in state or federal law, on the campus of Northeast. Students in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. Discipline may include mandatory drug rehabilitation, penalties stated in the Student Code of Conduct, or arrest in accordance with state and federal laws. The college reserves the right to perform drug/drug dog search of college facilities and private vehicles parked on college property.

Northeast Mississippi Community College supports the following:

  • Aid in prevention of alcohol and other drug abuse through educational efforts.
  • Use of counseling services and rehabilitation programs
  • Appropriate discipline for those who engage in substance abuse and related behaviors.

Northeast Mississippi Community College provides educational programs aimed at preventing the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Educational efforts are directed toward all members of the college community and include information about the incompatibility of the abuse or sale of alcohol and other drugs with goals of Northeast Mississippi Community College; the hazards associated with the abuse of alcohol and other drugs; the incompatibility of alcohol and other drug abuse with the maximum achievement of educational, career, and other goals; and the potential legal consequences of involvement with alcohol and other drugs.

Those students who seek assistance through the college for an alcohol or drug-related problem shall be provided with information about counseling and rehabilitation services available through college and/or community resources. For those working in good faith and in treatment or rehabilitation agencies, every attempt will be made to return the individual to student status.

Possession, Sale, or Consumption of Illegal Drugs

Students are responsible, as citizens, for knowing about and complying with the provisions of Mississippi law that make it a crime to possess, sell, deliver, or manufacture those drugs designated collectively as “controlled substances” in Section 41-29-113 et seq of the Mississippi Statutes. The following minimum penalties shall be imposed for the particular offenses described:

Drug Trafficking

For the illegal manufacture, sale, or delivery, or possession with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver, of any controlled substance identified in Schedules I and II of Section 41-29-113 and Section 41-29-115 of the Mississippi Statues, any student shall be expelled. For a first offense involving the illegal manufacture, sale or delivery, or possession with the intent to manufacture, sell or delivery, of any controlled substance identified in Schedule III through V of Section 41-29-117, Section 41-29-119, Section 41-29-121 of the Mississippi Statutes the minimum penalty shall be suspension from enrollment. For a second offense, any student shall be expelled.

Illegal Possession

For a first offense involving the illegal possession of any controlled substance identified in Schedules I or II of Section 41-29-113 Section 41-29-115 of the Mississippi Statutes, the minimum penalty shall be suspension from enrollment.

For a first offense involving the illegal possession of any controlled substance identified in Schedules III through V of Section 41-29-117, Section 41-29-119, and Section 41-29-121 of the Mississippi Statutes, the minimum penalty shall be probation for a period to be determined on case-by-case basis. A person on probation may be required to participate in a drug education and counseling program, consent to regular drug testing, and accept such other conditions and restrictions, as the appropriate college official deems necessary.

Upon refusal or failure to abide by the terms of probation of second or other subsequent offenses involving the illegal possession of controlled substances, progressively more severe penalties shall be imposed including expulsion of students.

Possession, Sale, or Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages

Northeast Mississippi Community College is located in northeast corner of Prentiss County. Prentiss County prohibits the sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages. Possession, sale, or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus, or at off-campus college sponsored activities is prohibited.

Students shall be subject to state laws outlined as follows:

Drinking Age - Selling, giving, or serving alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 is unlawful. In Mississippi, this law extends to possession of alcoholic beverages by anyone under 21. It is unlawful for any person to misrepresent or misstate his/her age in order to obtain alcoholic beverages. This includes the manufacture or use of false identification.

In addition to the legal requirements and penalties above, a student found to be in violation of this college policy would be subject to penalties under the student Code of Conduct.

Any person who does either of these things for the purpose of obtaining alcohol shall be fined a maximum of $200, and on failure to pay such fine and all costs shall be imprisoned for up to 30 days in jail. Section 67-1-91.

D.U.I. (Driving while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs) Section 63-11-30 provides: A mandatory suspension of licenses for a period not to exceed one year for the first conviction. Fines of up to $1,000 and/or 14 hours in jail for the first offense. Attend and complete an alcohol safety education program as provided in Section 63-11-32. State and Federal statutes will regulate mandatory participation in rehabilitation and education programs.

Disciplinary Process

Northeast Mississippi Community College will address any incident, which is disruptive to the operation of the college or in violation of state, federal, and local laws. When disciplinary action is necessary, judgment will be determined fairly, reasonably, and in respect to due process. The aim of disciplinary action is to redirect the student’s behavior toward the achievement of academic goals.

The Vice President of Students oversees the disciplinary process. When a student is charged with violation of conduct regulations, disposition of the student’s case shall be according to the due process regulations of the institution.

There are three steps to the discipline process at Northeast:

1.  An initial interview is held with the Vice President of Students for misconduct related to the incident.  The Vice President of Students may determine the appropriate disciplinary action or refer serious infractions to the Discipline Committee.  The Discipline Committee consists of faculty and staff representatives.  If requested by the Vice President, the committee will hear evidence and recommend appropriate disciplinary measures to the Vice President of Instruction or Vice President of Students.  The student affected shall be notified in writing by mail or by memorandum of the specific charge(s) made against him/her and of the time and place where the hearing will be held.  This letter will be hand-delivered to the student or mailed to the student three (3) days prior to the hearing date.  The letter of notification will inform the student that witnesses may appear at the hearing to testify on his/her behalf.  The letter will also inform the student that an adviser may accompany them at their own expense.  At a student’s request, a hearing may be held earlier.

2.  If a student wishes to appeal the disciplinary action of the Vice President, he/she may submit an appeal in writing through the Vice President of Students’ Office within three (3) business days after notice of the action is received.  The appeal will be brought before the Discipline Committee.  The student may have an adviser accompany him at his own expense.

3.  If a student disagrees with the decision of the Discipline Committee, he/she may submit an appeal in writing to the Executive Vice President.  Appeals should be turned in to the Vice President of Students office within three (3) business days after notice of the action is received.  The decision of the Executive Vice President is final.

The following procedures for initiating due process shall apply for all hearings:

  • The student shall be permitted to confront and question witnesses testifying against him/her at the hearing.
  • The record of the hearing will be placed on file in the office of Vice President of Students.
  • The Vice President of Students will notify the student in writing of the committee’s decision immediately after the decision is reached.

Disciplinary Sanctions

The range of disciplinary sanctions includes; but is not limited to, the following:

Category I These would include any violation of the Student Code of Conduct

  • Warning - Issued for minor infraction of policy. Further violations will result in more serious sanctions.
  • Fine - Student is fined for violation of policy; amount of fine will vary depending upon the nature and severity of offense.
  • Restriction - Student is restricted from entering certain facilities or from specified student privileges.
  • Supervised Work - Specified work hours with a campus office or community service.
  • Mandatory Counseling/Educational Sessions - Behavioral counseling or educational sessions as deemed necessary by the Vice President of Student Services or the discipline committee.
  • Disciplinary Probation - Student is no longer considered in good standing in terms of conduct. Further violation of regulations during this probation period may result in suspension, dismissal, or expulsion. Certain student privileges may be suspended during a probationary period. Example: scholarships, representing the college in activities, seeking elected office, may lose elected office.
  • Residence Hall Dismissal - Required to vacate a residence hall for violations of residence hall policies and/or institutional policies. Students are not allowed to visit any residence hall when assigned this sanction. Residential students appealing the sanctions of expulsion, dismissal, suspension, modified suspension, or residence hall dismissal may be required to temporarily vacate the residence hall while the appeal is pending.
  • Modified Suspension - All privileges except to attend classes are suspended for a specified period of time. The student is allowed to attend classes only. Student must leave campus no later than 3:30 p.m. each day.
  • Suspension: Separation from Northeast Mississippi Community College for a specific period of time. The student is not allowed on college premises without specific permission from the Vice President of Student Services.

Category II These would include felonies or misdemeanor charges as described by federal and state laws.

  • Modified Suspension - All privileges except to attend classes are suspended for a specified period of time. The student is allowed to attend classes only. Student must leave campus no later than 3:30 p.m. each day.
  • Suspension - Separation from Northeast Mississippi Community College for a specific period of time. The student is not allowed on college premises without specific permission from the Vice President of Student Services.
  • Withdrawal - Student is withdrawn from school for the remainder of the semester. No entry is made on official records other than withdrawal. Student may return to school at the end of specified time.
  • Expulsion - Dismissal from Northeast Mississippi Community College for a specified period of time, with the denial of rights for the student to participate in any academic or other activity. Student is not allowed on campus.
  • Dismissal - Permanent separation from Northeast Mississippi Community College, with the student not allowed to reapply for admission. The student is not allowed on college premises without permission from the Vice President of Student Services.
  • Interim Suspension - Any student charged with or convicted of a violation of the law, or college regulation involving injuries to the health and welfare of the college community shall be subject to immediate administrative suspension, with or without prejudice, depending upon the nature and circumstances of the case, by the President of the College or his delegates. A hearing regarding the student’s conduct will be held as soon as practical in accordance with Northeast policies.

    The conviction of a student for a criminal offense which interferes with the orderly education and operation of the college or of a nature that, if the student were allowed to remain enrolled, would endanger the health, safety, or property of the college community shall be sufficient grounds for disciplinary action consistent with the college’s policies and procedures.